Friday, August 3, 2007

Headed to the Lake ....

to camp for the weekend! Yes it is going to be hot, but we will be in the water most of the time. The boys are both taking friends. The suburban is loaded the groceries are bought and packed all that is left to do is fill the coolers and we are out of here. The water should be perfect for playing this weekend. We haven't tubed or kneeboarded all summer, the weather hasn't been exactly cooperating. I know we will all come home sunkissed and tired, but i wouldn't want it any other way.

On a totally different note check go check out Consideryourselfchallenged the new challenge is up. It is an ad inspiration. The Design Team Lo's are up and are really great! You have until the 14th, i think to post your LO'S.

It is almost time for school to start, I can't hardly believe it! We bought school supplies last weekend. Open house, orientation is Monday night for Taylor at the middle school. I can't believe I have a middle schooler, I am not old enough to have a child in 7th grade, am i? Oh well!!

have a great weekend.


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