Friday, December 28, 2007
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2:05 PM
It's Friday already!!!
It's strange when I am off for a few days and start my week at the end of the week. The boys were very confused about what day it was. I'm not confused just happy that It's Friday and I am off again until Wednesday. The kids don't go back to scool until Thursday, but the teachers have to work on wednesday so I will be busy that day. Our Schedule fills up quickly afer they go back...Taylor Plays ball on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Fortunately 2 of the 3 games are at home. They start at 5:30 so if they are away I have to close early and head out.
Yesterday was Katie's birthday, she turned 35. We celebrated with lunch, just she and I and 10 kids! I am glad she chose to spend part of her day with me! Mom's birthday is today, we will all meet at Roco's Pizza on Tuesday to celebrate her birthday
I have enjoyed Christmas, but am ready to get back into our normal routine and I am ready for my house to be back in order. The tree is down but the ornaments are all laying on my dining table witht he other decorations from around the house. Hopefully this weekend everything will get put away and stored in the attic, ready for next year!
I have a few classes coing up at Scrapbook Generation I will be starting a new kids series this year, but I am doig it a little different by doing a project each month instead of an album for the year. janruary i am doing a mini paper bag album about family.It is really pretty. I am also teaching a 6x12 year in review album. I will post pictures as soon as I have my samples done, hopefully today sometime!
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8:08 AM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
What fun...
Christmas at our house was very relaxing. With the boys being older it doesn't seem to be quite as crazy. We got up early, they still love to see what is hidden under the tree. They were both excited about new mp3 players and guitar hero! My dad got them a new playstation 2 for christmas. We hooked the guiter hero up in the living room for the morning and all gave it a try. Not so easy...Gregg and I were both booed off the stage! BY the end of the day both of the boys had figured it out and now claim to be master rockers!! We spent most of the day playing games and just hanging out, the grandparents all came over for a late breakfast, yummy if I do say so myself. Gregg's parents stayed on into the afternoon and the boys and Grandpa played a few rounds of clue and grandma and I worked on a jigsaw puzzle we have set up in the living room right now. I spent the whole day in my jammies, a perfect day for me! We did venture out at dinner time to Gregg's grnadma's house for dinner and visiting with cousins and aunts and Uncles. All in all it was a great day all about family and together time.
Yesterday Gregg had to go back to work so the kids and I met Katie and Griff and Reese for lunch. Katie took the boys home with her to play with Griff for a while and I stopped to look at new bedroom furniture. I really want some, but they really want a lot of money for it, so we'll see.
Tonight Jon and Shannon are coming to town and we will celebrate with dinner and Presents at Jerry and Cinda's. The boys are already there waiting for the cousins to get here. They will spend the night over there tonight and possibly Friday night to be with their cousins. They never seem to have enough time with them.
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12:22 PM
Friday, December 21, 2007
2 Peas Question of the Day.....
What do you like and dislike about the winter season. As I am not a winter person, what I like is not much! I do like my winter jammies, (I could live in them) I actually have more pjs than I do jeans. I like to settle in after the day with a bowl of chilli or homemade chicken noodle soup, neither is asappealing in the summer months. I enjoy watching my boys play basketball, which where we live is a fall/winter sport. Now what do I not like...I do not like the cold! I miss the sunshine. I do not like snow, and no I do not think it is pretty when it is falling. I hate the sloppy mess snow and ice leave behind when they melt.
I do like christmas and the time with family and I guess that that falls into the winter season, so that is a positive about winter. Speaking of Christmas...the presents are wrapped. The boys last day of school is today(yeah)! Tonight we will settle in and watch CHRISTMAS VACATION. Saturday we will celebrate with my family at Katie's house. I will be fun. We are going to open presents first so that the little ones will be in a good mood and then eat dinner. After the kids are settled in with a movie or bed the adults will play games. We are board game junkies, we are competitive with each other and just have a blast when we are togehter. We stay home on Christmas morning and just enjoy the time with the 4 of us. Gregg's Parents will come over for breakfast about 10 and then we will go to his grandma's for the evening. All his cousins and aunts and uncles will be there. This year they are having a chilli cook off between his dad and his siblings, it should be fun and yummy! There will be lots of good food and probably some singing and silliness. We will celebrate with Jon and his family sometime during the next weekend when they are in from Saint Louis. I plan on doing some baking tonight and Saturday, but mostly just enjoying some much needed down time.
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8:37 AM
We actually made seven but these are the ones who cooperated for a picture. They really did turn out cute.
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7:02 AM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
A New years resolution....
I am determined to be a better blogger. Let's be real what I am determined to do is be a blogger. I love to read blogs and take a peek into other people's daily lives. Not stars, just ordinary people. I am going to do better. my resolution is to blog at leasest twice a week, I would love to say i will do it everyday, but reality is I won't and life just gets too crazy, so i am setting my goal at twice a week.
I will also try to post pictures with each post. I want to get better about this as well. Even if no one else ever reads my blog I want to have this journal of our day to day.
I am almost ready for Christmas. I need one more present for Tucker to make it even under the tree. Nothing big, but gotta have one more or take one of Taylor's back. I am planning some fun baking for the next few days. I already did a bunch of cookie trays for friends and teachers, now need to do some for our Christmas gatherings. Among the favrites that will for sure be on the platters are Peanut butter Ballsand Peppermint pattiesmade with ritz crackers, yum! I am also planning some yummy sugar cookies, with cream cheese in the mix.
We have been basketballing for the last three weeks almost non-stop it feels like. We have not had a single night for the last three weeks that we did not have a commitment. Fun, but busy. Last night was the best game that Taylor has had since he mad the Middle School Team. he scored 10 points and made some really amazing steals and plays! It was so fun to watch, Gregg wasn't there to see it because he was coaching Tucker's team in a tournament in Springfield. Tucker finishes up this tournament tonight with two games. Hopefully they play well tonight, they lost by one point last night. Hopefullly the adult fans act a little more responsibly tonight, i guess they got a little out of hand last night and were calling each other names in the stands....ugly!
Friday we don't have a thing planned and we are going to settle in and eat dinner togehter and watch our favorite Christmas Movie of all timeChristmas VacationGregg and I have always had the tradition of watching this movie and last year we introduced the boys to it. I can't wait to just have some down time!! The boys last day of school is Friday and they are definately ready for a break.
Today I had my company christmas understand that I own a daycare so the people that I spend my day with, "my company", consists of 4 two year olds, a four year old and a 6 month old. For our party we made gingerbreadhouses out of graham crackers(super Cute) and we had a book exchange. This is the first picture that I will post. we only had one cave in and it was easily repaired. look for pictures soon.
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11:29 AM