Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Last Day of Summer Vacation...

The boys head back to school tommorrow! They are mostly ready, school supplies are purchased and loaded into backpacks. We meet Tucker's teacher tonight.

They have had a great summer, gotten to do lots of fun stuff and just hang out.

We have been having unseasonably cool weather for August the past few days...we took advantage of the weather and headed to Silver Dollar City on Saturday with the Durr's. It wasn't as crowded as we had expected and we all enjoyed the day. The boys (big and small) enjoyed the rides, including the water rides! They were soaked most of the day. Finally Taylor rode Wildfire and loved it....we couldn't keep him off once he got a taste for it!

I am already in the fall mindset even though I know we will have lots more warm days before the fall actually gets here. My house right now has the wonderful smell of chicken soup cooking on the stove. I am looking forward to fall camping and spending evenings on the deck without the bugs!
Enjoy this last day of vacation!


Our Crooked Tree said...

I can not believe they are already back in school! I could not agree more about the weather...can't wait for fall and football!

the scrappy chic said...

Glad you guys got to have some fun before they went back to school:)

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