Monday, December 15, 2008

The start of a new week!

Last week was just wild for us. We rarely do much during the week and last week we did something every night. Tucker was in a ball tournament in Springfield so we had games Monday, Wednesday and Thursday . I taught a class at Scrapbook Generation on Tuesday night. Taylor had his winter semiformal dance on Friday and then we played in a ball tournament on Saturday Morning! We were all done by Saturday night. It was really warm over the weekend and then the temp bottomed out last night, it is soooo cold here today. The boys were hoping for a snow day and didn't get one, but they only have this week and 2 days next week and they are out until the 6th of Jan. Tucker and I did some holiday baking on Saturday night and then I continued with some more on Sunday. I got a few presents wrapped and under the tree so we are getting closer to being ready for the big day! Hope everyone is warm and toasty somewhere and enjoying the season!


Holly said...

Wow! You had school! Goodness! I bet the roads were slippery!

Love the new background! I like how it is all black without the header box and all the jazz that busies(sp?) mine up! haha

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