Friday, December 28, 2007
Posted by
2:05 PM
It's Friday already!!!
It's strange when I am off for a few days and start my week at the end of the week. The boys were very confused about what day it was. I'm not confused just happy that It's Friday and I am off again until Wednesday. The kids don't go back to scool until Thursday, but the teachers have to work on wednesday so I will be busy that day. Our Schedule fills up quickly afer they go back...Taylor Plays ball on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Fortunately 2 of the 3 games are at home. They start at 5:30 so if they are away I have to close early and head out.
Yesterday was Katie's birthday, she turned 35. We celebrated with lunch, just she and I and 10 kids! I am glad she chose to spend part of her day with me! Mom's birthday is today, we will all meet at Roco's Pizza on Tuesday to celebrate her birthday
I have enjoyed Christmas, but am ready to get back into our normal routine and I am ready for my house to be back in order. The tree is down but the ornaments are all laying on my dining table witht he other decorations from around the house. Hopefully this weekend everything will get put away and stored in the attic, ready for next year!
I have a few classes coing up at Scrapbook Generation I will be starting a new kids series this year, but I am doig it a little different by doing a project each month instead of an album for the year. janruary i am doing a mini paper bag album about family.It is really pretty. I am also teaching a 6x12 year in review album. I will post pictures as soon as I have my samples done, hopefully today sometime!
Posted by
8:08 AM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
What fun...
Christmas at our house was very relaxing. With the boys being older it doesn't seem to be quite as crazy. We got up early, they still love to see what is hidden under the tree. They were both excited about new mp3 players and guitar hero! My dad got them a new playstation 2 for christmas. We hooked the guiter hero up in the living room for the morning and all gave it a try. Not so easy...Gregg and I were both booed off the stage! BY the end of the day both of the boys had figured it out and now claim to be master rockers!! We spent most of the day playing games and just hanging out, the grandparents all came over for a late breakfast, yummy if I do say so myself. Gregg's parents stayed on into the afternoon and the boys and Grandpa played a few rounds of clue and grandma and I worked on a jigsaw puzzle we have set up in the living room right now. I spent the whole day in my jammies, a perfect day for me! We did venture out at dinner time to Gregg's grnadma's house for dinner and visiting with cousins and aunts and Uncles. All in all it was a great day all about family and together time.
Yesterday Gregg had to go back to work so the kids and I met Katie and Griff and Reese for lunch. Katie took the boys home with her to play with Griff for a while and I stopped to look at new bedroom furniture. I really want some, but they really want a lot of money for it, so we'll see.
Tonight Jon and Shannon are coming to town and we will celebrate with dinner and Presents at Jerry and Cinda's. The boys are already there waiting for the cousins to get here. They will spend the night over there tonight and possibly Friday night to be with their cousins. They never seem to have enough time with them.
Posted by
12:22 PM
Friday, December 21, 2007
2 Peas Question of the Day.....
What do you like and dislike about the winter season. As I am not a winter person, what I like is not much! I do like my winter jammies, (I could live in them) I actually have more pjs than I do jeans. I like to settle in after the day with a bowl of chilli or homemade chicken noodle soup, neither is asappealing in the summer months. I enjoy watching my boys play basketball, which where we live is a fall/winter sport. Now what do I not like...I do not like the cold! I miss the sunshine. I do not like snow, and no I do not think it is pretty when it is falling. I hate the sloppy mess snow and ice leave behind when they melt.
I do like christmas and the time with family and I guess that that falls into the winter season, so that is a positive about winter. Speaking of Christmas...the presents are wrapped. The boys last day of school is today(yeah)! Tonight we will settle in and watch CHRISTMAS VACATION. Saturday we will celebrate with my family at Katie's house. I will be fun. We are going to open presents first so that the little ones will be in a good mood and then eat dinner. After the kids are settled in with a movie or bed the adults will play games. We are board game junkies, we are competitive with each other and just have a blast when we are togehter. We stay home on Christmas morning and just enjoy the time with the 4 of us. Gregg's Parents will come over for breakfast about 10 and then we will go to his grandma's for the evening. All his cousins and aunts and uncles will be there. This year they are having a chilli cook off between his dad and his siblings, it should be fun and yummy! There will be lots of good food and probably some singing and silliness. We will celebrate with Jon and his family sometime during the next weekend when they are in from Saint Louis. I plan on doing some baking tonight and Saturday, but mostly just enjoying some much needed down time.
Posted by
8:37 AM
We actually made seven but these are the ones who cooperated for a picture. They really did turn out cute.
Posted by
7:02 AM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
A New years resolution....
I am determined to be a better blogger. Let's be real what I am determined to do is be a blogger. I love to read blogs and take a peek into other people's daily lives. Not stars, just ordinary people. I am going to do better. my resolution is to blog at leasest twice a week, I would love to say i will do it everyday, but reality is I won't and life just gets too crazy, so i am setting my goal at twice a week.
I will also try to post pictures with each post. I want to get better about this as well. Even if no one else ever reads my blog I want to have this journal of our day to day.
I am almost ready for Christmas. I need one more present for Tucker to make it even under the tree. Nothing big, but gotta have one more or take one of Taylor's back. I am planning some fun baking for the next few days. I already did a bunch of cookie trays for friends and teachers, now need to do some for our Christmas gatherings. Among the favrites that will for sure be on the platters are Peanut butter Ballsand Peppermint pattiesmade with ritz crackers, yum! I am also planning some yummy sugar cookies, with cream cheese in the mix.
We have been basketballing for the last three weeks almost non-stop it feels like. We have not had a single night for the last three weeks that we did not have a commitment. Fun, but busy. Last night was the best game that Taylor has had since he mad the Middle School Team. he scored 10 points and made some really amazing steals and plays! It was so fun to watch, Gregg wasn't there to see it because he was coaching Tucker's team in a tournament in Springfield. Tucker finishes up this tournament tonight with two games. Hopefully they play well tonight, they lost by one point last night. Hopefullly the adult fans act a little more responsibly tonight, i guess they got a little out of hand last night and were calling each other names in the stands....ugly!
Friday we don't have a thing planned and we are going to settle in and eat dinner togehter and watch our favorite Christmas Movie of all timeChristmas VacationGregg and I have always had the tradition of watching this movie and last year we introduced the boys to it. I can't wait to just have some down time!! The boys last day of school is Friday and they are definately ready for a break.
Today I had my company christmas understand that I own a daycare so the people that I spend my day with, "my company", consists of 4 two year olds, a four year old and a 6 month old. For our party we made gingerbreadhouses out of graham crackers(super Cute) and we had a book exchange. This is the first picture that I will post. we only had one cave in and it was easily repaired. look for pictures soon.
Posted by
11:29 AM
Monday, September 10, 2007
A lot has happened in a month....
what a bad blogger I am...Lots has gone on here since the last time I wrote.
We had an awesome camping trip to Viola. We took Joey Preston and Taylor's friend Dylan with us. The Durr's joined us as well. The weather was HOT, really hot! It was perfect for hanging out in the lake all day. The boys tubed and kneeboarded. We all floated while anchored in the cove. FUN TIMES! We love the lake and avored our last trip before school started.
Yup, summer break is over. School started August 15. Taylor started middle school, yikes! He loves it! He is doing student council and playing football. He is busy- he practices everyday rain or shine. Tucker couldn't be happier with 5th grade. He loves his teacher, and brandon is in his class and sits right next to him, LIFE IS GOOD!
So between school, footballpractice, basketball practice, fantasy football drafts, etc. we are busy.
Oh yeah, Tucker had a birthday, he turne 11. He had hhis best buddies over for a sleepover and an air soft war. We also visited a really super fun place in downtown springfield, called 1980. It is an arcade packed with 1980's video games.You pay a cover charge when you go in and then you can play any games for as long as you want. FUN STUFF!
We spent Labor Day Weekend at the lake with all the Parks' . It is an annual trip that we all look forward to all year. The weather was wonderful! We aonly had one complication. Gregg scratched his cornea, so we got to pay a visit to Skagg's ER. It was very uncomfortable for him. Peyton rode the Tube for the first time, and loved it. The boys always have a blast when they are together.
Taylor had his first football game on thursday...he is so excited. We wil travelto Ozark. I can't wait to watch the action.
It feel like fall. We have the windows open tonight and the attic fanis pulling in the fresh air. NICE!
I will post pictures from this past month in the next few days!
Posted by
7:00 PM
Friday, August 3, 2007
Headed to the Lake ....
to camp for the weekend! Yes it is going to be hot, but we will be in the water most of the time. The boys are both taking friends. The suburban is loaded the groceries are bought and packed all that is left to do is fill the coolers and we are out of here. The water should be perfect for playing this weekend. We haven't tubed or kneeboarded all summer, the weather hasn't been exactly cooperating. I know we will all come home sunkissed and tired, but i wouldn't want it any other way.
On a totally different note check go check out Consideryourselfchallenged the new challenge is up. It is an ad inspiration. The Design Team Lo's are up and are really great! You have until the 14th, i think to post your LO'S.
It is almost time for school to start, I can't hardly believe it! We bought school supplies last weekend. Open house, orientation is Monday night for Taylor at the middle school. I can't believe I have a middle schooler, I am not old enough to have a child in 7th grade, am i? Oh well!!
have a great weekend.
Posted by
8:27 AM
Monday, July 23, 2007
Just a few of my favorites....

Posted by
11:40 AM
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Back to reality....
We got home last night at about midnight. As usual vacation was awesome. We just enjoyed the sunshine, sand and the not schedule! Of course it never rains when we are in Perdido, until this year...we had one day that was almost a total wash out, but only one and then the sun was out the rest of the time! It is so much easier to leave on Saturday morning if the rain is falling then, but no luck yesterday, the sun was shining and the surf was beautiful, so of course I cried when it was time to go, yes i really did. I love the ocean, the sound, the smell, the salt, the sand, all of it. I love that we just relax, I love that no one has to be anywhere or do anything specific. I don't know if I would tire of it if I was there all the time, but i would be willing to give it a try and see how I felt, Ha!
Anyways now i have to unpack and put everything away and go to the store, Yuck! Taylor leaves for camp in the am so I have to get him packed for that...and then we have to go back to work. On the happy side, i have great pictures to scrap!! I have got to get my all about me page loaded onto the consideryourselfchallenged website and also get my next page done for that. Well i hear my suitcase calling me and I guess i should listen! I will post some pics from the beach tonight!
Posted by
7:58 AM
Friday, July 13, 2007
Been a few weeks since I'v e posted. We have been busy enjoying the summer and no schedule! We are packing up today to head to the beach for a week bright and early in the morning!! This is my favorite week of the year, i love vacation and i LOVE the beach! This year the Durr's are going with us. They are good friends and we always have a good time together, their son Brandon, who is Tucker's best friend, has never been to the ocean. Can't wait to enjoy this first with him.
The boys new "thing" is these air soft guns. They shoot little plastic bb's out of them...they shoot them at each other. Currently in my backyard their are four boys having a war. Not for me, but they seem to be enjoying it.
The Scrapbook Generation Design Team has officially got the blog up and going. It is going to be so fun. Check it out The first challenge will go up Saturday.
Have a great week and don't forget to check out the new blog!
Posted by
9:29 AM
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Day at the lake....
Posted by
8:14 AM
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Thanks for riding with us!! Thanks Katie for hanging back with me, when I know you could have ridden faster. It meant so much to us that you guys were there.
Posted by
6:54 PM
if i never heard this response again when I asked the boys to do something it would be too soon. Today it was the response i got when i asked them to vacuum their room. You have to understand, these two don't have to do much...they have to feed their pets, they have to make their beds, occasionally i trow an extra chore or two their way, but not much. Back to this morning, it was a battle to see whidh one would actually have to do the job. Finally i said," don't do it, i don't know what i was thinking asking you to work on your summer vacation!" They both looked at me and shrugged and didn't vacuum the floor. Fast forward to dinner tonight, I made Gregg and I dinner and we sat down to eat, (enter Tucker) "what's for dinner?" my response, and I am still smiling over this one, "I made dinner last night!" he just looked at me, shocked, mortified that i had not prepared his meal! It only gets better, Taylor started looking for his favorite pair of shorts a few minutes ago that he wanted to wear to the gym in the morning...he asked,"mom did you wash my shorts?" My response, "I did it last time!" I could make this work for me! Yes, i will go back to cooking for them and doing their laundry, but for a few days it will be fun to say, I DID IT LAST TIME!
The girls on the Scrapbook Generation design team are going to start a blog of challenges. It's going to be really cool. Can't wait! The first challenge will be an all about me page, fun!
It's going to be a wonderful weekend, HOT! I will probably even get in the lake this weekend. The boys have all been in already, but it has to be pretty warm for me to jump in. I think we are planning to spend the whole day playing on the water Saturday! taylor wants to get the kneeboard out for the first time this year. It's always fun to spend the day playing, and hanging out with friends, can't wait!
Posted by
6:29 PM
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
What a good feeling....

Posted by
10:46 AM
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
More Rain...
We are surely about to float! I know we needed the rain, but I am sone with it now. I want the sun to come back out. We are riding in the American Diabetes Ride on Saturday and we really needed to get in a ride early this week. Hopefully it does not rain Saturday.
I spent last night getting all the kits ready for my class tonight, it is going to be fun, who doesn't love flip flops?
Gregg is under the weather and can't seem to snap out of it. Hopefully he feels better today.
The guys have been watching the NBA playoffs, they are not too happy, they are rooting for the Cavs and so far they haven't performed the way they would like! Maybe game 3 will bring a better result.
have a great day a pray for sunshine!
Posted by
8:34 AM
Monday, June 11, 2007
I am so Happy...
I am getting published for the first time! This was a goal for me this year. I will have a layout in the new Blueprints Layout book. I submitted two and they picked up one, it was actually my favorite of the two, i used the new extreme boy line by Junkitz. I can't wait to see it in print!
My class at Scrapbook Generation is full Tuesday night, actually with a waiting list. I am doing a Summer Layout with a pair of chipboard flip flops, so fun!
Things that are making me smile today...the rain (hopefully it will wash away some of the pollen), my fresh pedicure, pringles sweet potato chips with cinnamon and sugar (YUM!)
Posted by
12:03 PM

Posted by
11:47 AM
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Check out SISTV!
Posted by
11:17 AM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
School's Out!
The boys were so excited last night because they didn't have to go to bed early, they actually stayed up and watched the basketball game until the end! They are looking forward to the time off, and honestly so am I. I still have to work but it's nice to not have to be on a tight schedule with dinner and bedtime.
I think we are going to ride tonight...we need to. I am not sure we have trained enough. It's only 32 miles, but 32 miles is a lot if there are lots of hills, hopefully not! Our team has raised close to $3000. for the American Diabetes Association I am so proud! We need to find a cure!
I taught a class last night at Scrapbook Generation, thanks ladies to those who attended. We made a mini round album using Cosmo Cricket paper. They all turned out really cute. One lady is going to use hers to document he Memorial Day Canoe Trip...great idea! Mine is a about the three generations of men in my husbands family, I love it!
I have found a new web site that I love,, It is so fun. Very inspiring. I am working on a LO for a challenge over there, You are to make a LO like an Andy Worhal painting, FUN idea...mine is almost done, I am stitching on it (thanks to Allison and her inspiration) so I have to finish that and then I will post it!
Have a great day, get out and enjoy the sunshine!
Posted by
11:48 AM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Student Council !!
Taylor is running for student council for next year, he will be in middle school(i can't believe I have a middleschooler). Today he has to give his speech and then the election will be this afternoon. I hope he gets it! I am so proud of him for just trying, I never could have done that at his age, I am not sure I could do it now, stand in front of the whole student body, YIKES! He thinks it will come down to a populartiy contest, I hope not, I wish he would never have to deal with who is popular and who is not. In his speech he says, "I think that working together we make a strong statement that we are a class that will stick together and support each other and not allow one peron or group to control another." I am so proud! Good Luck Taylor!
On a totally different subject I saw that Amy and allison both listed 10 things they learned by cleaning their scrap space, I thought I would add mine....
10. Letters are an addiction...chipboard, stickers, rubons, who cares as long as they are letters. I have so many because I don't want to use them until it's just the perfect LO for them.
9. I Love paint.
8. Buttons are my new favorite embellishment.
7. I love pictures...they don't even have to be of people I know, I could look at pictures for hours. My favorites are of my kids in the summer and of my grandparents when they were young!
6. I could seriously open a store from my scrap space!
5. Can you have too much Pattern paper.
4. I like pink Cardstock. This is so weird because I am surrounded by boys, but I keep buying pink cardstock!
3. My scrap pile is taking over one corner of my space, I alsways have good intentions of using them but hten I don't!
2. MY pile of to do projects is getting I may actually catch up!
1. INK,INK,INK...I LOVE INK! I have it in a zillion diff colors and use it an almost every LO, Katie swears I can't do one without and she may be right.
Posted by
6:13 AM
Monday, May 14, 2007
Yesterday, Mother's Day, was wonderful. I had a list of stuff I wanted done in the yard and we completed alsmost all of it. We had to take down our chain link fence because our neighbor put up a privacy fence and there was a gap between them that had begun to look like a no more chain link and the yard looks some bigger! The only complication was my rose bush, it is at least 20 years old and I love it, problem is it was tangled in the fence. I managed to get most of it out without cutting too much and tied it to my new trellis. Love it! The next major project was my flower beds...they go all along the deck and the backside of the house and they were a mess. I hadn't weeded them yet this spring and there were plants that needed to be split and moved and then there was the weeds and Mulch had to be laid down and did I mention the weeds? I hate to weed! I bought mulch that is the color of chocolate, so pretty. The weeds are gone the plants are split and even a few new ones are scattered around and the chocolate mulch is down, it looks so pretty. My last project was filling my pots and hanging baskets and planting my impatients. Two hanging baskets are done, hopefully today I will finish the rest and get the last of my flowers in the ground, it is supposed to rain Tuesday and I want to be done before that happens.
So that is what went on here yesterday, and Iwas able to get this all done because I was served breakfast in bed by my boys. I had scrambled eggs, one of the few things that Taylor can cook, toast and a big piece of CHOCOLATE CAKE, they know me so well! YUM! We got around and went to lunch with my mom and my sister and brother. When we got home the work began, but it was so pretty outside, it made working outside fun! The boys may have a different perspective about the fun part.
What is making me smile today....hanging basket of purple petunias on my deck., the peonies blooming in my backyard, the last slice of dark chocolate layer cake waiting for me on my bar!
Have a great Monday!
Posted by
11:39 AM
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Croppin' for a cure was soooo fun!
I can't believe how smooth everything went yeaterday. I mean seriously it did, we had such a great time! Everyone was so encouraging all day and so friendly , the whole atmosphere was great. Katie and I were exhausted at the end of the day but it was so worth it. All the make and takes were well received and I really think everyone enjoyed doing something different. The food was all so good and mostly eaten, next year we will have a better idea about amounts and stuff like that. I could not have pulled this off without Katie and also our Mom, she really helped when we needed her to. Elsie Flannigan stopped by and visited and had her picture taken with anyone who wanted. We had a group of fun scrappers from 2nd Baptist Church and they LOVE Elsie so they were so excited, they all made a LO of their pictures with Elsie before they went home last night, FUN! We were able to raise almost $1500 for the American Diabetes Association and that does not even include what donations we got from area businesses that actually allowed this event to take place, we received about $1600 in donations of food, space, products(cups, napkins, etc..), and manufacturer donations for prizes. We could not have had such an awesome event without our sponsors! THANKS!!
Toaday I am trying to relax and regroup after the crazy fun day! I think I actually have to go shoe shopping for the boys. It is a beautiful day in the ozarks so I think we will get out and enjoy it.
Have a great Sunday!
Posted by
7:43 AM
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Three days and counting....
until Croppin' for a Cure!!! Can't wait. Katie and I are in overdrive getting the final details in place. I have been fixing goody boxes and katie has been contacting those who are donating food for Saturday and setting up final details. If it all goes as planned it will be awesome! We have about 40 ladies registered which means se have raised about $1100. for the American Diabetes Association! This would not have happened had we not had so many generous sponsors. We hope to make this an annual event.
It's rained all through the night last night which made for great sleeping weather. It is still cool and rainy today. The kids get out of school at 1:00 today so I hope the sun comes out so they can be outside!
Have a great Day!
Posted by
8:13 AM
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
What a GREAT weekend!
Finally the weather cooperated and our schedule cooperated and we went on our first official camping trip of the season! We love to camp...all parts of it , we love the lake, we love the quiet, we love cooking and eating outdoors, the campfire is our favorite time of the day, but just being together and not on a schedule is the best part!
We actually pulled out on Friday night, which is not the norm but we were so anxious we thought what the heck, we may have to put the tents up in the dark but we will deal with that. We didn't have to put the tents up in the dark, in fact we got all set up and a fire started before dark.
After a hearty breakfast the boys fished Saturday morning and I puttered around camp....I like to putter. Then I laid out in the sun and read. I am reading the Janet Evonavich numbers series. I am on 7 and it is possibly my favorite so funny! I was so excited to actually be laying in the sun, it's been a long winter! I may possibly be obsessed with the weather! Anyways after the boys came in and got some lunch we all went back out in the boat where they fished and surprise, surprise, I layed in the sun and read my book. It was so peaceful out on the water, the play boats aren't really out yet and it's too cold for the skiers and jetskiers to be out and about so it was so quiet. The boys caught a few fish, enought o keep their interest peaked!
We packed up Sunday late morning and came on was a good trip.
This week we are working hard to get ready for the crop on Saturday. All the details are falling into place and we are super excited. I hope all goes smoothly and everyone has a great time!
Random thoughts today...Food always tastes better when cooked and eaten outside, no matter what it is! Hearing your children laugh for no reason at all can make even the gloomiest day seem okay!
Posted by
10:07 AM
Labels: camping spring
Thursday, April 12, 2007
When is the warm weather coming back!!?? I am not happy at all with the forecast for the weekend, SNOW is being talked about again. Yuck!
On a much happier note my crop officially has 33 people signed up. Katie worked the phone today and got lots of stuff donated. Paper products and ice...alll these thing add up and the more we get free the more the ADA will get from us, Yeah! We have been cutting and cutting out paper pieces for the make and take projects and for decorations. We are going with the theme Coming Up Daisies...we both have a thing for daisies and since it is spring (supposedly) we thought it only fitting.
Taylor has a habitat project to do for science, he is doing the river area, not so much the water but the animals and vegitation around the river. We brainstormed tonight and think we came up with a really cool idea. I don't know what kids do that don't have parents who like projects...I like projects. I will post a picture when he gets it done.
I have a class on Saturday at Scrapbook Generation. It is my little girls class. This month we are stamping with Foam flower stamps and Making Memories paint...really fun! I think they will enjoy it and the LO is so cute. The girls are fun and it's nice to be around minds that don't care if there is a right way they just do it their way, it's awesome.
My nephew turned 7 today, hard to believe. His party is on Saturday and i can't wait to give him his gift. On Easter he told me the only thing he wanted was a new fishing rod, and that is what we got him! He will be so excited! Happy Birthday Wyatt.
Random thoughts for the day...How long would it take before someone else started doing the dishes if I stopped?
Would they actually just go buy new socks if I didn't do the laundry?
I am going to get some scrapping done this weekend...I really am!
Posted by
6:28 PM
Sunday, April 8, 2007
BRRR!!! Yeah it is a whopping 38 degrees today. The temp has dipped down into the teens the last few nights and it has made a mess of my backyard. My hostas were already up and in full bloom and now they look like rotten salad! I am so sad, hopefully at least some of them will spring back when it warms back up.
My crop continues to fill up and that is so exciting! I had 6 register over the weekend that brings the count to 32. The closer it gets the more anxious I get.
I have a new class at Scrapbook Generation on Monday night. It is a cute purse mini album. It should be fun.
Hopefully this week brings the warm weather back! I don't want to wera my winter clothes in April!
Have a great Monday.
Posted by
1:42 PM
Friday, April 6, 2007
A day off!! For me this usually means errands and house cleaning and this and that. Not today, the house does need to be cleaned and we may not have any clean socks for Saturday but I put all that aside....Katie and Reese and I went shopping and to lunch. What Fun! Katie has to go out to dinner tonight with Scott's new boss and needed a new outfit, we found one and then went to lunch. I also got a new pair of tennis shoes which makes me smile!
Right now I have a cake in the oven a new recipe Peanut Butter Silk, YUM! It smells so good. I will report back about how it tastes.
It actually snowed here this morning, well snow was blowing in the air. YUCK! My crazy husband is on the lake fishing, what a nerd! I don't go to the lake unless it is above 60 and much prefer it above 80.
I am off in afew minutes for my first mamogram, I thought you didn't need one until you were forty but I guess they want to get a baseline at 35 and then they have something to compare it to. I am little nervous.
Have a great weekend! And a Happy Easter.
Posted by
12:20 PM
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
So I am not a great blogger...
Okay so I am not off to a very good start here with this blogging thing. I couldn't remeber how to even log on to post a note! Oh well. So what is happening in my world? The weather was beautiful for two days and now...winter is back, I actually had to turn the heater back on this morning. Monday I had shorts on and was too warm and today the heater. I hate winter, I thought we were through with it. The sun out at least, but they are saying maybe SNOW for on Thursday. That is one four letter word that I don't allow in my house.
Katie and I are working on the final details for Croppin' for a Cure, we have about 35 ladies signed up so far and hop for about 15 more. Katie had been seeking donations from everywhere and it is all coming together. We are getting a letter ready to send out to those who have already registered letting them know the schedule and details on the contests we will have on the day of the crop.
Our team for the bike ride is getting larger. Marcia and Joe preston signed up to ride with us and they enlisted some of their friends. We are hoping to be the top team for the Springfield ride! Now I just need to ride and get my butt in shape! (literally my butt)
Gregg bought me the new Martina McBride cd yesterday...and he even wrote me a mushy note to go with it, gotta love that. I also love the cd, the song Anyway is my favorite and why i wanted the cd but the whole thing is good!
I have two classes at Scrapbook Generation next week. Tuesday night I have my purse album, it is so cute, doe with SEI papers. Saturday I have my kids series class, this has turned out to be so much fun, the girls are loving it. This week we are going to paint and stamp with big flower stamps, FUN, FUN!
Random thoughts...I would be happy if the temperature never dipped below 60. Sonic ICE makes me happy. Tan fat is better than white fat, so tanning beds are wonderful!
Posted by
11:28 AM
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Will I really blog?
Will I really blog...I've tried before and I forget. I am going to give it a real try this time. I love to read blogs, even people I don't know, so let's see how it goes. What the heck will I write about? Maybe I will use it to journal and then later do my scrapbook pages from the stuff I blog about, who knows. I'll start with how excited I was today when i went to the mailbox and saw six checks for the fundraising crop that Katie and I are doing in April. I am so excited about it and the closer it gets the more excited I am. It is going to be so fun, not to mention profitable for the American Diabetes Association. All money raised is going directly to the ADA. I have come up with some really cute make and take projects and Katie had gotten the food all donated, now we just need ladies to sign up! I think this could easily become an annual event for us!
random thoughts for the day...The sun was out today so that made me smile! Tucker's i-pod finally dried out ( it went through the washing machine) so that made his day. The boys went with Katie to the zoo and had a great time with Griffin, proving you are never too old to enjoy the simple things in life. And lastly, i got to play with baby Reese today, and there is truly nothing more wonderful than a baby to remind you that life is short enjoy every minute!
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6:00 PM